P. Hadjichambis started his career as a qualified computer scientist (UK) which allowed him to work in several countries and industries for many years. At the same time, he was also studying Business, Economics and General cosmeceuticals. He gained immense experience in business working in the Gulf countries for several years before moving into the airline industry and working for Swissair Group in Zurich. In Zurich P. Hadjichambis was given the opportunity to follow his passion for pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals and worked with various companies before he finally formed his own business Vital Trends GmbH at Zug Switzerland.

Immediately after the formation of Vital Trends GmbH he collaborated with specialist in cosmetics as well as one of the most prestigious Laboratories in Switzerland where in partnership with excellent scientists they formulated Caviar of Switzerland, a product based on his active Ingredient selection.

Spy News Magazine had a chance to talk to  Mr.Hadjichambis about latest innovations in the industry, unique ingredients, Natural VS Synthetic Beauty and what to expect in 10 years.

P. Hadjichambis

SNM: I know your company invested in the research and development on one of the finest laboratories in Europe, in Lausanne. Can you share your knowledge and experience in this field. Personally I am very curious about the innovation.

Mr.Hadjichambis: Research and development is an expensive and time consuming process. Our company has invested extensive time and expense to ensure the quality and effective performance of our ingredients. Hard work went into the process of choosing ‘elite’ ingredients, evaluating clinical trials and studies, and ensuring that such ingredients work in synergy with each other to produce the results we wanted. We undertook quite a bit of research in order to hit upon the right conditions as well as to find the right people with the correct advancing knowledge, that would help us produce our vision.

SNM:  The Caviar of Switzerland contains a very unique ingredients complex with high tech active ingredients and precious Caviar extract. Can you please clarify how your product line affects the skin?

Mr.Hadjichambis:  This is usually my favourite question as I love to talk about the hand-picked unique ingredients of our products. Indeed, with Caviar of Switzerland we have been studying extensively the process of skin ageing and having combined the right people, knowledge and experience, our products now represent a leading innovative approach to DNA skin care.  

Taking into consideration the various factors involved in ageing, we have enriched our products with some of the most specialized ingredients that act on a cellular level; targeting protection, repair and regeneration of DNA. 

We actually take pride in our chosen ingredients and the design of the products, so without boring you with too many details I will talk you through the structure of their design. Firstly, our products work to protect your skin at any age since it is full of powerful antioxidants. The fountain of youth; resveratrol (plant based powerful antioxidant), Superoxide Dismutase Enzyme (very efficient antioxidant enzyme) and vitamin E are added in our products at the perfect proportion to work in synergy andneutralize free radicals, as well as prevent their further formation. This averts the chain reactions that would eventually reach deeply into the skin, attack the cells and damage them.Topical application of resveratrol protects against UVB-mediated oxidative stress, which is known to cause DNA and RNA damage and contribute to premature aging and more. Additional ingredients in our products such as bisabol, known to have anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, also protect the skin, reduce UV-induced erythema and accelerate the cutaneous healing process. Overall, the antioxidant activity of these ingredients provides cellular protection against free-radical attack and shielding against damage from air pollutants and sunlight.

Another important part of DNA skin care, is of course the use of caviar. This has a cell format similar to human skin and is known to provide unparalleled nourishment and mineralization of the skin. Our caviar is 100% real and is extracted from non-fertilized sturgeon eggs farmed in Bordeaux (France). We comply with the best industry standards and veterinary regulations to protect the species. The most important properties of this extract are its moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, vitaminizing, re-texturizing protective qualities–all of which are directly delivered at the cellular level of the skin and help reverse the aging process. By providing an external source of DNA, caviar extract is said to be an ideal additive to repair skin damage as well as stimulate the metabolism of the skin cells.


Moreover, we believe that our products are made for all skin types. Whether you have a dry or oily skin type, our products are designed to normalise and retexture the skin. Ingredients in our products such as panthenol, a plant derivative also known as Provitamin B, is a natural humectant. This property in combination with its ability to penetrate into the lower skin layers (easily absorbed by skin cells) makes it an excellent hydrating ingredient. Panthenol helps to restore and maintain the natural moisture of skin, leaving it velvety and smooth. Additional moisture is provided by shea butter which has softening, moisturizing, and skin restoring qualities. Our products combine the effective delivery of nutrients and protective film formation leaving the skin regenerated and producing normal level of natural moisture.

Of course, our products are anti-ageing, but there is no one single magic ingredient. The combination of all the above-mentioned components prime the skin to, let’s say, “do its best” and keep working to repair and regenerate itself. Our products also consist of Collagen Synthesis-Stimulating Peptide. This small peptide mimics the human body’s own mechanisms of collagen production. It actively diminishes all types of wrinkles and also has skin firming and moisturizing properties.


Furthermore, the products are enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, which has strong moisturizing and film-forming properties that help preserve the most important characteristics of youthful, healthy skin, such as suppleness, elasticity and tone. For more effective results, day and night application of our full line is recommended for mature skin types. It is also recommended for younger skin to prevent ageing not just reverse it.

SNM: Recently a new trend of Eminence Organic Skin Care have more supporters word wide. Personally I studied Ayurveda, and know that herbs, and natural ingredients can help skin looks healthier, but in the same time won’t prevent wrinkles. What is your opinion on Natural VS Synthetic Beauty?

Mr.Hadjichambis:  Excellent question. It is part of our company culture and belief that nature does wonders for the skin. For this reason the majority of our ingredients are natural and plant based. Having said that, there is a point where, exposed to harsh conditions (pollution, sunlight) or after a certain age, our skin could do with some extra help further to only what nature provides.

If you look at our ingredients we strive to use a mix of natural elements with ingredients that may be considered ‘synthetic’. We use caviar extracts, shea butter, floral water, resveratrol and a lot of other plant-based ingredients.  What we term ‘synthetic ingredients’ are used in minimal concentrations and at just enough quantity to boost the natural repair mechanisms of the skin. So, whilst we fully support natural beauty, we believe optimum healthy skin is achieved by establishing the perfect balance between what nature provides and what science develops.

SNM: In how many countries do you distribute Caviar of Switzerland? How do you deal with International differences in consumer’s taste? Can you give some examples?

Mr.Hadjichambis:  We are operating in many countries at the moment. A list includes Switzerland, USA, CHILE, MEXICO, Middle East (Kuwait Lebanon Jordan Iraq etc), Iran, Cyprus, Greece, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, Benelux, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and many others. We find that preference for high end luxury products is universal among the countries in which we distribute, therefore we have not perceived any major differences in our target audiences.  

SNM: How do you approach your consumers in different countries?

Mr.Hadjichambis: Our approach does vary from country to country. For certain countries we choose to work with high end salons and spas. In other cases, it is through exclusive local distributors who specialise in distribution of cosmetics through retail outlets. Whatever the case, our efforts are centred on providing as much information as possible, as well as appropriate incentives to our partners, so that our products are promoted with enthusiasm. Our general approach towards a prospective consumer is simply to explain how the ingredients of our products work. Depending on the skin type prevalent in particular regions, we may also provide more customised information as to the why our products suit such skin types. In addition, by adopting an honest approach, clarifying the fact that our products are made up of ingredients of the highest quality and will deliver on their promise, we ensure effectiveness in our sales process no matter the nationality of the target market.      

SNM: Will we be able to prevent ageing somehow in the future? How do you think the beauty industry will look like in 10 years?

Mr.Hadjichambis: Ageing is a complex process which doesn’t just affect the skin. Health and intrinsic factors are also very important. Even if you apply the best creams or undertake cosmetic procedures you won’t be able to hide much if your body is not well taken care of. This connection between physical health and anti-aging, as well as constant developments in science as regards to health, could well assist in inhibiting ageing in the future.

Our focus now and in the future is to provide the best environment for the skin to fight the battle of ageing and keep it as healthy as possible when it comes to the “outside-in” approach. 

I think the beauty industry will definitely grow in the next 10 years and new trends and ideas may well emerge. However, there is no doubt that only the best of these will remain in the industry, as new trends tend to fade away if not effective. In any event we look forward to being an active participant in the progress and development of the beauty industry.



By Russ Ev