Napoli fashion on the road: Cosmic Naples,  the sign of Orion. Collaboration with the historic brand Giuseppe Mandile Gioielli.

Napoli fashion on the road returns after the stop due to Covid-19, with a very special stop, in collaboration with Giuseppe Mandile Gioielli, historical brand of the great Neapolitan jewelry. Napoli fashion on the road, the ambitious and intriguing project Made in Naples born in 2016, has as its main objective to relaunch Naples and Campania, merging art, fashion, and culture in a unique (in Europe) truly original. The project is therefore launched on a loose rein, and now extends its range of action also at international level, starting close and fruitful collaborations with talented artists in order to merge cultures, customs, and traditions so different and yet with many things in common.

Napoli fashion on the road, with unconventional ideas and languages typical of our time, is proposed as a new and exclusive “means” to communicate the historical, artistic, gastronomic excellence and all the business ideas that insist on the territory.

Naples is the capital of fashion.

The project includes the editing of a series of articles published on various Web platforms, entirely edited by the staff of journalists, photographers and video makers of the communication company Curtis&Moore Italia. The claim “Napoli capitale della moda” (Naples capital of fashion), present on the Google search engine, both in the search for pages and images, highlights the great diffusion on the web of the Napoli fashion on the road project. The initiative has therefore been launched on a loose rein, and now extends its range of action also at an international level, starting up close and fruitful collaborations with artists, in order to merge cultures, customs and traditions so different and yet united by many elements. The artistic director of Napoli fashion on the road is Cristiano Luchini, while the official photographer is iPhotox.

Cosmic Naples: the sign of Orion.

Some scholars date back the origin of the Neapolitan Seggi – a sort of ancient city quarters, to the time of Emperor Constantine, then to the 4th century AD. Also called Seats in the Angevin era were reduced to 6; of these, the Seat of Porto was located at the corner of Via Mezzocannone near the ancient “station for ships” as the plaque under the seat’s coat of arms says. In Via Mezzocannone, 9, we find a singular effigy of a hairy man holding a dagger in his right hand in the upper part of the building. It is of Orion, protector of sailors, the object of worship of those who populated the above-mentioned seat.

It is necessary to know that the constellation of Orion had a meaning of extraordinary importance for the Mediterranean seafarers, in particular for the Egyptians who built the 3 majestic pyramids of the Giza Valley repeating on earth the alignment of the constellation of Orion. Probably it was the Alexandrian merchants and sailors who frequented and lived in the upper part of Via Mezzocannone (where they built the Seat of the Nile) to make the myth of Orion known to the Neapolitan sailors. In Naples, the peoples of the Mediterranean have always overlapped each other as well as the constellation of Orion, dear to the Egyptians, to the figure of the hunter, an important symbol of the Neapolitan sailors. The bas-relief, therefore, depicts Orion, whose original work is preserved in the Museum of San Martino in Naples.

The collaboration with Giuseppe Mandile Gioielli.

It is therefore in the name of myth, and the stars, that for this stage of Naples fashion on the road, the synergy with the brand Giuseppe Mandile Gioielli has been created. Giuseppe, a very skilled jewelry designer, told us about the history of his company, born in 1922 thanks to his grandfather Giuseppe (hence the name), the engraver of cameos. “Unfortunately I didn’t get to know my beloved grandfather. As a child, I was always enormously enraptured by the details of cameos in our ancient jewelry shop. I used to contemplate them, with immense curiosity, in their very particular details, with a magnifying glass Giuseppe Mandile has very clear ideas about the creations he loves to propose to his passionate clientele: “The jewel I love to create has weight, corporeity and material consistency. I work mainly with bronze and silver.

My creations are devoted to unconventionality, originality, outside of all standards. I don’t like the object to be too shiny, I want it to have the characteristics of an object as unusual as it is experienced. I love everything that is material, objects that have an ancestral appeal. Another characteristic of my jewelry such as necklaces, rings, pendants, is the mobile elements because everything is mechanical.  I am very proud of my Galaxias collection, of primordial evocation characterized by very particular shapes and raw material. In the company, we have considered the collaboration with the project “Napoli fashion on the road”, “Cosmic Naples the sign of Orion”, to be very fitting.

Pulsating urbanity, beauty, art, history, myth.

The beauty of the model Adele, has been embellished as a modern Cleopatra, by the wonderful creations of Giuseppe Mandile Gioielli, taken from the Galaxias collection. Pulsating urbanity, beauty, art, history, myth, have merged into the multiform city par excellence, starting from Via Mezzocannone, crossing the end of Corso Umberto towards the elegant Piazza Bovio, until reaching the majesty of the Maschio Angioino. Necklaces, rings, pendants, bracelets, have dressed the brown flesh of Adele, transporting her to another time, in which the archaic and the modern hold close to the sacred embrace of art.  

Objects in which natural stone, captured in its total purity, is exalted by the masterly craftsmanship of the metal. The Galaxias collection in fact contains all the mysterious charm of the universe that surrounds us, reproducing in a jewel a gigantic grouping of gas, dust and stars among irregular elliptical spirals; a result of great creative effort that required months of work, tests and experiments.

Marilena Palomba, young painter.

The new stage of Napoli fashion on the road “Cosmic Naples: The sign of Orion”: also saw the collaboration of the talented painter Marilena Palomba, who created an interesting painting dedicated to Orion. The young artist expressed herself as follows: “The stars, constellations and astral conjunctions have always fascinated me. Getting lost with my gaze through that myriad of bright dots, with my nose up, has always fed my imagination and my dreams. When I received the commission for the realization of the painting representing the constellation of Orion it was really a pleasant and unexpected emotion for me, because for the first time I could represent on canvas what I had always imagined”.