Spy News Magazine: You love traveling and you have traveled a lot. What is one place you still need to check off your bucket list?

Kara: Hawaii! I’ve been wanting to going to Hawaii since I was a little girl who couldn’t spell it. (Smiles) My parents showed me pictures of their honeymoon in Maui and ever since I’ve been obsessed. 

Spy News Magazine: What is your most memorable scene to film in ‘Pretty Little Liars’?

Kara: I think my most memorable scene is the moment Yvonne meets Spencer. I love the way they wrote the scene, it was just such a different take on the new girlfriend meeting the ex-girlfriend. I so enjoyed that they didn’t make Yvonne catty or bitter, while still having that awkwardness between them. It’s also ironic because, just like Spencer and Yvonne, when I met Troian for the first time, just like Spencer and Yvonne she went for a handshake and I went in for a hug. (Laughing) 

Dress RasenA

Spy News Magazine: You are conquering the world of acting at the moment, is there anything else the you could like to achieve career wise?

Kara: Thank you, I feel very blessed with all the amazing things going on. Having the opportunity to be a recurring on a couple different shows has been a blast, It’s exciting to jump from character to character. My goal is to keep doing that, working on movies, and soon settle into a series regular part on my own show.  I would also love to start diving into my other passion, makeup! I hope to collaborate with a big brand or even one day have a brand of my own. 

Top Elizabetta Franchi, pants Rasena, bag, bracelet, necklace Bag’s Hunter by MG, feather bracelet Madame Baloge NYC

Spy News Magazine: You also became an aunt not too long ago, how do you feel?

Kara: I did! The twins Atlas and Adelynn! I couldn’t be happier for my sister and brother-in-law on starting their family. I’m slowly learning all my auntie responsibilities, how to hold them, how to feed them… how to change them haha. It’s just such an incredible feeling having a place in these beautiful little ones’ lives! 

Spy News Magazine: What is something you have to say to women out there – your message to the world?

Kara: For the women of the world, I think the most important thing to do, is to do what you want. So many people want to tell women how to be, with good and bad intentions. Whatever a happy life looks like to you, no matter the stereotypes, do it and do it honestly. I think women face much injustice in this country, and around the world, and I think it’s vital to remain vocal and alert on these issue, because inequality for some means inequality for all. 

Top MSGM, pants Elizabetta Franchi

Spy News Magazine: You also keep yourself in really good shape, what does a day in Kara’s kitchen look like?

Kara: I’m learning some new tricks in the kitchen, not a chef just yet. With food and diet I think it’s important to just listen to what your body needs and wants. I stopped drinking soda and have been working on cut out dairy and I’ve never felt better. It’s all about finding what works best for you and taking it day by day. 

I think women face much injustice in this country, and around the world, and I think it’s vital to remain vocal and alert on these issue, because inequality for some means inequality for all.

Spy News Magazine: What would you say is the first step towards self love?

Kara: Finding the little things you love about yourself and holding on to them tight. Maybe your a great friend to someone or are a awesome cook, whatever it is you find important, be proud of it. Learning just how awesome you are and what you have to offer is so important for self love. 

Top MSGM, skirt Rasena

Spy News Magazine: With your career skyrocketing, do you ever have to decide between family and work?

Kara: It’s not so much choosing one over the other but becoming good at time management. Especially since my niece and nephew were born I’m much better about getting work done early so I have time to go visit them. My family is my biggest support system, my mom and dad moved out here so I could begin my career at an early age. They fully know what comes with the job and are the first to say ” hey we’ll hang out later, go get that job.”  I honestly couldn’t ask for a more loving and understanding family. 

Spy News Magazine: Style wise do you have any favorite brand or designers you lean towards?

Kara: I always describe my style as girly with an edge, you can always sell me on lace and leather. I love BCBG , Alice and Olivia and Jay Godfrey. 

Spy News Magazine: What upcoming project should we be on the lookout for?

Kara: Well I’m very excited for Pretty Little Liars finale season starts April 18 and some juicy stuff on The Fosters all on Freeform. I have some other projects in the works including a movie that I can’t wait to share soon! This year is off to a great start and I couldn’t be happier and more grateful for the support! 

Interview: Monica Soriano,
Photo: Rachid Ait
Style: Russ Ev