Pugnale & Nyleve-Spy News Magazine

Pugnale & Nyleve, young start-up of the Eyewear market, expresses a new concept of eyeglasses, a combination if Italian craftmanship, technological innovation, design and style. The brand introduces in its collections a special production process (DMLS- Direct Metal Laser Sintering), once again, emerging for its research and development and technology transfer in the eyewear project.

Pugnale & Nyleve-Spy News Magazine

Titanium Ti64, the same utilized in the biomedical field for the prosthesis, is modelled through an accurate process that consists in stratifying the powders. This allows an efficient and 360 degree control of the materials and its shapes: the result are unique creations, incomparable for style and lightness.

The extraordinary male styles “Prima Linea“, have been enriched with a charming style-mark. A complex while empty dagger is the main and most characteristic detail, entirely realized with Titanium Ti64 and combined with precious Italian acetate, that completes the front-part and the temple-tips of the spectacles.

Summer 2017 sees an increment of the product line “A Golden Rain“: creations realozed with harmonic steel, that offer a different option from the mono-blocs. Available in two versions: the black one and the prestigious 24 carat gold one; both of them have been enriched with the 3D drops effect: irregular, and creative, the drops become the witnesses of the uniqueness soul of every creation.