Inspiring innovation combined with a unique passion is what unites this brand, a fire that we hope takes to the rest of the fashion world. There are lots of reasons why we love Le Choix– their use of the finest materials and outstanding handmade designs, the fresh color contrasting that they embrace, and the attention to sartorial detail that the brand prides itself in.

Read by Camilla Onesti, a Roman designer of French origins, Le Choix furnishes unique and playful designs that may go unnoticed at first glance. The pieces create a sensory experience nearing a paragon in design. Truly, Le Choix is a beautiful integration of the French spirit with the high quality of hand crafted Italian tradition.

We sat down with Camilla. She tells us about her professional journey, her creative advice, and gives some very astute style advice for a lady going on a date.

Spy News Magazine: How did you get into fashion, and why did you decide to start your own brand?

Camilla Onesti: Fashion has always been a part of my life. I’ve always imagined women changing their personality simply because of what dress they choose to wear. So I decided to study Fashion Design at IED (European Institute of Design). The theme of my final fashion project, a whole collection, was about leather- its processing techniques and its versatility. Following the collection’s success, I decided to start my brand.

Spy News Magazine: How do you define your style and approach to fashion?

Camilla Onesti: I believe that elegance is simplicity. My sources of inspiration are out of fashion. Beauty is all around us, we jut have to grasp what the world has to offer: colors, contrast, geometric overlays… I have some difficulty cataloging my style, even if there are recurring elements like the minimal approach and chromatic contrast. The accessory is not the main character of the look; it must exalt the beauty that is within each of us. My brand is called Le Choix (the choice) because I want to offer the possibility of a customized item. So everybody can have the should of Le Choix, but he body of a personal wisdom.

Spy News Magazine: You make it possible to see the perfection of simplicity through your collection. Tell us more about your creative process, and what you try to do with your raw material.

Camilla Onesti: Leather is the starting point. I personally choose the materials. Traveling to Italian tanneries allows me to be inspired by colors, smells, and stories of the men who work with leather. After choosing the raw material, I go to my lab and I start to experience the infinite possibilities that leather offers me, from painting to curving. Each leather has its story that I try to tell in my collections.

Spy News Magazine: Please tell us about the collection. What is the inspiration behind it?

Camilla Onesti: “Plating” is the name of the new collection, and it was the color that inspired me and sparked the creative process. I was searching for a neutral color, one powerful enough to let me experiment with new lines. I wanted what this precious color exuded, in stark contrast to black…creating the asymmetrical lines of the collection. Like the metal, the Platine collection is strong but malleable; versatile accessories and clothing with a great fit.

Spy News Magazine: There is no doubt that with this collection, as with others, you try to create your own lane while cultivating your voice. I know that as an emerging brand, that is not an easy task. What are some obstacles that you have dealt with in this ambitious endeavor?

Camilla Onesti: I believe that fashion has to look at itself. The product and the art of the creative process must turn to the centre of the idea of fashion. Raw material and the productive process should be parameters that guide consumer choice. My greatest difficulty, in the fast fashion era, is to communicate the artisanal and cultural value of a product produced entirely in Italy.

Spy News Magazine: There have been discussions of creativity going extinct in Italian fashion. What is your opinion on this?

Camilla Onesti: Creativity in Italy isn’t extinct- in fact, it is as lively as ever. The problem is that many designers have difficulty showing their talent. Maybe Italians are too traditionalist for a hyperconnected world such as ours. Italy must communicate its tradition, which is its strength, without distorting itself by pursuing an easy and stereotyped image. I hope that Italy regains its title as leader in style.

Spy News Magazine: Clearly, as always, your collections year in year out are a must have in our wardrobe. Which is your favorite piece and where can we shop the full collection?

Camilla Onesti: My favorite piece is, without any doubt, the 56P Jacket. Made piece by piece, I spent many hours to reach the harmonious final product. There are 56 pieces, cut and painted by hand, one by one. This item represents the story of Le Choix, illustrating infinite variations through the leather. It is an extravagant piece that can be worn at any age. The entire collection is available online at; customized collections are available only by order.

Spy News Magazine: On a lighter note. What is one piece of advice you would give to a lady going on a date?

Advice for a lady? Put on a pair of Levis, wear high heels (something comfortable, preferably) and be unique like Le Choix.



by Anderson Azugbene