We had a chat with Will Jay at the The Roxy which was the LA stop of his tour!  He talks “Gentleman“, his tour must have and support from IM5 members! Will Jay also speaks on the difference of being in a band and being a solo artist.

Spy News Magazine: Thank you for having us at your EP release party, many fans showed up to hear it – What was going through your head while seeing them come in?

Will Jay: “I’m just kind of surprised to be honest, I didn’t think that many people would show up for just an EP..just a party you know, Just hanging out. I was very surprised and also very happy that they made the time, it was around finals time and so I know what that’s like. A couple girls drove from Vegas, so the fact that they made the time was really cool haha!”

Spy News Magazine: Congratulations on your self titled EP! Which was the most difficult and the most easy song to write and record?

Will Jay: “Okay ummm…”Hitlist” was actually the toughest to record just because the chorus is very hard to sing. It’s very hard to pronunciate the words so I had to do that A LOT. That took a really long time. Also the production -I had to finesse, there was a lot of details. Umm “Gentleman” was the easiest by far, I’d written the song a while back and the production of it took like no time at all. Kind of just went for it. The ideas just kept following.”

Los Angels CA ,

Spy News Magazine: You just performed at The Roxy today, how is are you feeling?

Will Jay: It’s amazing! The sound system is incredible, like when you’re a touring artist you kind of get used to bad sound so when there’s good sound, you’re pleasantly surprised. The Roxy is amazing, I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve never played it so it was my first time on that stage.

Spy News Magazine: You had your brother on your band, has he played at the other shows as well?

Will Jay: He has! Well at the LA shows, he’s in school so I can’t bring him on the road. He’s played for me before and he’s awesome!

Spy News Magazine: Any other future LA performances?

Will Jay: I mean definitely! I’m born and raised here and live here so obviously we’re going to try and keep busy!

Spy News Magazine: Speaking of the production process- How does the production process differ for creating music now that you’re a solo artist from when you were in a band?

Will Jay: “Definitely more input and since it’s just me, I can say everything if that makes sense? Like being in a band you kind of like limit – you say the most important things whereas when you’re a solo artist you can say the tiniest things like “I don’t want to hear that drum part at 2:10“. You can say stuff like that because you’re the only opinion that matters now.”

Spy News Magazine: You released your music video “Gentleman“, which you actually got support from some of your old band members. How did you feel?

Will Jay: Yeah! I was very pleasantly surprised by that, I didn’t actually tell them. They did it unprompted they, they must have seen the video on twitter or something. That meant a lot to me, I think it’s cool that we’re all doing our own thing musically and I’ll be sure to support them when their stuff comes out.”

Los Angels CA ,

Spy News Magazine: How did you pick your leading lady for “Gentleman”?

Will Jay: “Actually she was recommended to me by the choreographer who’d worked with IM5 in the past. Kanec shout out to him, he thought of Brooke Maroon and actually Brooke was in an IM5 video back in the day so we kind of have that connection. She’s great.”

Spy News Magazine: Have you decided on your next single yet?

Will Jay: “I have!….Kind of …Not really. “Gentleman” is definitely the focus right now. We’ll see, it’ll definitely be another song on The EP but I’m not sure yet.

Kat Graham

Spy News Magazine: You’re currently on tour! What’s your must have item on the road?

Will Jay: “A Nintendo DS!”

Spy News Magazine: The first place you want to visit, once you’re back in LA….which is today!?

Will Jay: “Uhh where do I want to go? I want to go to In N Out. I want to get a burger, I could use one right now!”


By Monica Soriano, photo Rachid Aitpinkblack